Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Do I even want to go raw? (VeganMOFO)

I don't even know. I know that I want to try it, but I go back and forth.
I keep telling myself just to try it, but when I look into the future I want, I don't see it as being something that I will keep doing.
I hate being so torn! I don't know what I want to do.
I am also slacking here, but that's because I've found myself with very little time because of work and such.
Soon, there will be real recipes.
Raw days will be happening.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Alright. Today I am on a raw-kick.
I want to try raw, and since at the moment I don't have an oven, I think now is the best time to try it.

I am awesome at writing up plans, but not so awesome at following through with them, so we'll see.

What is not negotiable on this plan is that I will keep drinking tea every day and decaf coffee twice a week.

Week 1: [1October8-7October8)]
Raw Two days.
Finish up non-raw food.

Week 2:[8October8-14October8]
Raw three days

Week 3: [15October8-21October8]
Raw four days

Week 4: [22October8-29October8]
Raw 5 days.

I want to buy a raw cookbook and make something out of that for dinner every raw day and then post it here.

Lets see if I do it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's not October yet, right?

I do not have anything to cook right now!
The first recipe that I was going to post I forgot to take a picture of.
I guess I could post it, but what's the fun in something without a picture?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So, I jumped on the bandwagon.

Yeah, this is a vegan blog.
I've been meaning to make one for months, but I haven't gotten around to it/didn't want to conform.

Then as I was perusing the ppk blog, I noticed this little thing going on here:

I thought, "Hey, this is the perfect time to start that blog I've been meaning to start."
So, here it is.
I'm not promising anything except some talk about food that I have been trying and trying to cook.

I guess I should start with my story:

Here's some back-story:
I was born in Lancaster, PA. I moved to NJ. I lived there for 11 years. I found Jesus, friends, my life, veganism, and my future while I was there. I moved back to Lancaster two months ago, and I am finding more here than I did there.

Now, here is my vegan-story:
When I was around 10, I stumbled across a link called milksucks.com. I absolutely abhorred the taste of milk, so I, of course, went to this site. Through this site, I learned a little about what a vegan is, and I got a little excited, it sounded like the thing for me. It seemed like a lot of commitment, and I wasn't sure I could commit to it, but I was considering it.
Then I found the message boards. One of the posts went sort of like this:

"I was in a store and I asked the woman if she had any baking chocolate. She asked me what I was baking and I explained to her that I was vegan etc. Then she started saying 'I don't understand how you people can eat like that' as well as other things. Then I told her, 'Well, that's why I'm a size two and you're not' Haha!"

As a young girl who struggled with her weight and body image, I did not want to be part of anything that made people feel bad about their size. So, I put vegans aside.

A few years later, I was trying to lose weight. In trying, all different ways of eating were presented to me, and I was experimenting with different styles trying to find what was right. Which brought veganism back to my attention.
I debated it, and decided that I was just going to try it for six weeks. The first week would be vegetarian, the rest vegan. I was not doing this for weight loss, but to find what was right for me.
After three days of being a vegetarian I got bored and went on to vegan. I have been a vegan ever since.

When I became a vegan, I did not care for animals at all. As I have progressed eating this way, I find that I am a hundred times more compassionate towards animals than I was, and I can never imagine eating a living thing that feels again.
That being said, I am unapologetically out of the vegan movement. This is not my religion, and I do not do this because I am trying to change the world. I do this because it makes sense in my head, and it works for my body. It goes hand-in-hand with my true "religion" (that is another post), which is Christianity. I can not explain it in a few words, so I'll save what that means for another time.
There needs to be a little but of mystery.